Tuesday, 31 May 2016


The Eisteddfod was fun but now I'm back in the Premier Inn with Internet. YASSSSS
Anyway, since I can't play AJ I am just going to make posts about my IRL life :) 
At the Eisteddfod I bought a T-Shirt which says Urdd 2016 Sir Y Fflint on it and a really cute Mistah Urdd plush :) 
Also before I went I changed our channel name to Rainbows & Unicorns and changed the art.
And the icon-

I don't know what else to say so bye
- Catsnkits


Sunday, 29 May 2016

Unrealeased item + 150 viewers!

So today I was reading the Animal Jam Whip and came across this post.
Guess what?
Here it is -
(credit to the Animal Jam Whip for the picture)
It looks like a lion mane and in my opinion I think it looks good on the snow leopard. I can tell that when and if it gets realeased lots of people will be wearing it. Be ready for all the AJTubers to be making videos saying  "lOOK at THE unreleased iTem that I found MYSelf!!!

Topic #2
Today AJ Fight hit 150 viewers!!! AHHHHHH
Just give me one moment to freak out
In all seriousness, I didn't think this blog would get ONE. THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU SO MUCH!!!!

- Catsnkits

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Aj Update May 27 - The Art Update

Late with the update again... *slaps own butt*
Anyway *cough*

Page 1
Ok starting well. This should be cool - custom den paintings.

 Page 2
More info on the den paintings. Click the picture if you want to read it.
EDIT: What they didn't mention is that the paintings cost 2 diamonds. sigh

 Page 3
Another den which will probably look nice but will probably be way too big too
I'm too poor to buy it but I might video me flying around it

 Page 4
Yearly "Hatapalooza" where every hat in shops is half price
 Page 5
"One animal leaves and one comes" cliché

 Page 6 (jesus, this a long Jamaa Journal)
Random unneeded facts about pigs

 Also, you can now type famous jammer's names in Jam-a-gram! In my opinion I think this will be helpful to the jammers I typed into this Jam-a-gram so they don't have to type 'Apart i' or 'Wish era moon'. I haven't tested if you can say them without free chat because have free chat.

I rate this update a 3/10 for more jam a gram words and masterpieces

- Catsnkits

Friday, 27 May 2016

Blog update

Blog update time!
Basically, I was reading the Animal Jam Whip and I came across a post. 
If you want to read it click HERE
The author is Nafaria9 and she/he (not sure..?) puts a cool fancy signature at the end of her/his posts
Somebody asked in the comments of that post "Do you use CoolText for your signatures?" And Nafaria replied "Yes"
So of course I immediately googled CoolText. 
If you want to use the website click HERE
It's absolutely free and no download required so go use it :) 
Basically I made one for myself and here it is
So, like Nafaria I'm going to use it at the end of every post. I won't make you see another signature so for now you can have this one.
hehe :3 

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Rant about Mailtimes

First of all, AJTubers make mailtimes to show off how many gifts they've gotten from making videos. Yes, they only do it because their JamAGrams are overflowing, but if the fans didn't send them 356183 gifts every 6 minutes they wouldn't have to do it.
Moving away from that, they could always do it off camera. If they found a spiked collar they could give a shoutout on Twitter or Instagram.
To me the mailtime videos always seem more bad quality than the normal videos because 
all they do is 
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." 
And occasionally they tell a "story"
I like channels like Aparri and WisteriaMoon because they rarely do mailtimes.
I'm not sure what else to say, but I just don't like mailtimes,

I'm going on a trip...

...In our favourite rocket ship!

Anyway, I'm going on holiday Sunday 29 May to Tuesday 1st June. I'm going to the Urdd Eisteddfod 2016. Nobody will understand because it's a Welsh event that happens every year and it's a competition in singing, dancing, acting and more for schools all across Wales and I happened to be doing something in the final! 
It's called the Canactol and there are around thirty people in it. It is sort of a mini-musical. Songs that tell a story. Each school is given a theme that they have to have the play about. This year it is Adeiladau (in English- building)
One of our teachers who shall remain unnamed wrote it and it's amazing. 
If we get through the preliminary round then the final round will be televised on S4C so look out for that on Monday. 

Check out my Twitter for more information on the parts - @imaravenclaw_mc

I went way too far into detail there lol

Basically I can't post Sunday-Tuesday because we aren't allowed to bring any electrical devices >:( 
To make up for that, I'll make 2 posts today

I don't know how to end this post so bye
- Cats 🐱

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Why I don't post daily anymore

Why I don't post daily anymore

The main reason is; my computer can't handle Animal Jam. I can occasionally go on without having to refresh 20 times which was why my update posts were late twice.
Should I make:
Transformice posts?
IRL Updates?
Or... uh...
Behind-The-Scenes on the blog?

I don't know


AJ Mini Update ? May

So there was an update a mini update in animal jam on I think Tuesday?
Anyway they only changed the front page so here it is

Wow! AJHQ did something good for once!
In case you can't read it, every diamond shop animal is half price, aka 5 diamonds!

I bought a goat and here is my goat look-
 I also made a cheetah look- (I didn't get this in the sale, I just did a new look)
 And I bought a new arctic fox and because I already have one I got it for 1000 gems and made this look-

I don't know how to end this post so bye
- Cats

Saturday, 14 May 2016

AJ Update 12 May - The piggie update

Sorry I'm late with the update

Page 1
Hyenas are back
Now I have 3 problems with this. Well not problems but whatever
1. Probably nobody noticed they were gone
2. Why did they leave in the first place?
3. I already had a hyena

 Page 2
 Summer carnival is here yay
Page 3
 Ad about summer carnival tickets
Accesory preview - basically you can put things on your animal to see what it looks like without wasting gems buying it
Page 4
 A new animal
It's a puzzle but I know it's a pig - Bepper solved it in her update video clever bastard
I guess I'm exited for piggies in AJ but they probably won't fit in at all
People will just buy it then go back to their artic wolfs
Page 4
Polars bears are leaving for no reason just when hyenas came back
I have the same problems as at the top

I rate this update 4.5/10 for pigs and accessory preview

Thursday, 12 May 2016

I'm not dead

Sorry I haven't posted in a while
I've been busy with tests and stuff

Monday, 2 May 2016


sorry i haven't posted for a while

I'm still in grief because nobody came to my party
Should I reschedule?