Sunday, 26 June 2016

That animal puzzle in the newspaper

So today is my last opportunity to make a post before Pendine. It will be quite short and snappy as I need to pack.

SO. Remember that puzzle from the Jamaa Journal? About the new animal?
Well. I was reading the Animal jam Spirit again and they said in their update post that it could be sloths, but didn't go into detail.

Let's look at the things that the Jamaa Journal said about sloths I actually had to do research for this

1. Have long legs
Let's check

2. Are nocturnal
Yes (I think)

3. They live in trees!

I wouldn't be surprised if sloths get added because do you remember when we had to vote for the falcon, ostrich or SLOTH to come to Jamaa? Falcons won but they always add in the two others anyway.

Wish me luck in Pendine <3

Friday, 24 June 2016

Update 23 June - The Spike Update

So today (well, yesterday) animal jam updated!!

Page 1
Oh god
The diamond shop's going to be laggy until sunday
I actually bought one for my arctic wolf

 Page 2
Another unneeded den that is probably too big and that looks like Minecraft

Page 3
 Boring diamond sale and the freedom party about time
I don't even celebrate the 4th of July because I am British.

Page 4
Let's be real nobody is going to go in here
If you're wondering where it is it's right here

Page 5

Page 6 (LONG)
 Another unneeded animal that will probably be really disproportional and won't fit in animal jam and will never be used


I give this update a 3/10 for spikes and masterpieces

Wednesday, 22 June 2016


So today I was just casually scrolling through Instagram when I stumbled across THIS POST:


Tuesday, 14 June 2016

IRL Update #1

I said I would post when an event in school happens, so here I am.
P.S. I'm writing this on my IPad before school so sorry if it's short and no pictures

Event- Announcing head boy and girl

We did a vote and me, Jada, Rhys and Calum came out on top so we're having a revote for us 4 and they're announcing it today! I'll make a post saying who made it after school. 

If, for example, I get head girl, Jada will be Deputy Head girl so there'll be no disappointment. Anyway bye!!

Monday, 6 June 2016

what do i call this

We're back at school now so posts won't be as frequent. I haven't been on AJ in a while so update on my school life I guess? :P

Some events that are going on in the Summer Term- (6 Weeks)
Sports Day
Llandysyll Residentials
Anouncing new head boy & girl!

It's not fair that America are already on summer break. We still have 6 weeks! When does School start after summer for America? 
I still have a buttload of homework to do so as I said posts will be less frequent until Summer break starts on July 20. Sorry!! 
I will make posts when one of these events happens. 
NOTE~ on the week that I go to Pendine, I can't post because there's no internet :(
Bye :)

Sunday, 5 June 2016


You are probably getting excited, but I am only having a party if you guys say you can go regarding the invitation below.
I have calculated the time in EST and MST so here they are:
EST: 10:30 am
MST: 8:30 am
*I am very sorry for any inconvenience*
If your time zone is not here, say it in the comments and I will add yours :)

Off topic but I was on Girls Go Games and found this game called Princess Maker. I won't explain the game because I want you to play it with no spoilers. Anyway, I made these princesses:

This one is my personal favourite :3

- Catsnkits

Friday, 3 June 2016


for those of you wondering where ive been im taking a break
k bye